Tuesday, 6 September 2016


We've moved! now to our own domain.

come check out our new and vastly improved site at http://www.gaugepunk.com/

Monday, 15 February 2016

Tsar Roska is back!

With university, moving into a new flat and a new job there has been a distinct lack of posts and updates. HOPEFULLY this will come to a temporary end! at least for now. 

First things first, Tsar Roska (tank game) is back! and built back up from scratch. The original game was simply a mess, since it was the first big project i ever worked on in unity (and C# for that matter). when it came down to it, it was going to be less of a nightmare to simply start from scratch than try to pick up where i left off. 

Tsar roska is back with a new coat of paint and a larger focus on local co-op. The goal is fast-paced, juicy and (above all) fun local co-op couch based explosive action! 
Most of the clutter and useless mess from the old tank game has been stripped away, to be replaced with a much more polished and to-the-point experience.

As soon as the trailer video is done I'll have this game up on Steam greenlight with the hopes of selling it at a modest $2 or so, as a fun little party game. 

Await further news!